Monday, April 29, 2019

Benefits Of Apple

5 benefits of the green apple for health

This fruit stands out for its striking color and also for its flavor, but did you know that beyond that there are many things it can do for our organism? This is all you need to know.

The green apple is a special fruit. It stands out for its striking color and also for its different flavor, but did you know that beyond that there are many things it can do for our body?

let's see 5 incredible benefits of the green apple for health:

1. Powerful antioxidant.
The green apple is rich in flavonoids. In addition, it provides a large amount of vitamin C, which helps to have a much stronger organism.

2. Ideal for weight loss.
This fruit barely has about 80 calories and the greatest goodness is that it is a great source of fiber, which is why it helps to experience a feeling of fullness.

3. Level your blood sugar.
According to studies, the green apple is ideal for those who suffer from diabetes since it acts favorably against glucose levels.

4. Stronger teeth.
If you have sensitivity problems in the denture, the green apple will definitely be your friend.

5. Skin care. 
Thanks to its high content of vitamins A, B, C, antioxidants and water, this fruit will allow you to have a beautiful and radiant skin.

Benefits of Oranges.

10 benefits of oranges for your health

Today I bring you a fruit that you surely take with assiduity: the orange. It has many health benefits, knowing them will encourage you to keep it in your breakfasts and snacks and incorporate it as an ingredient that adds personality to your kitchen. In addition, its low glycemic index is one of the recommended fruits for the prevention of diabetes.

The orange has a story as colorful and exotic as herself. It is a traveling fruit. There was no pioneer, explorer or emperor who resisted trying to cultivate in any of their destinations in their travels around the world. As Manuel Ascende says in this interesting article, "the orange is a book of the history of humanity and has reached his hand thanks to many conquests and reconquests and a scientific battle for centuries."

This fruit is from the citrus family, daughter of a tangerine and grapefruit mother. Native to Southeast Asia, oranges are grown in warm climates such as Greece, Italy, Morocco and, of course, Spain, the main producer for the European market. Here the season starts approximately in the month of November and ends between the months of May and June.

For its long season, in addition to its flavor, orange is one of the most popular fruits because it has a high content of vitamin C, 100 grams of orange contains 90% of daily needs of this vitamin. It also contains flavonoids (with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antitumor effects) and limonoids (anticancer).

It is recommended to eat them whole to take advantage of all their properties, (especially people with high sugar levels).

As you have heard many times - and I already mentioned in the previous fruit post - the consumption of 2 or 3 servings of fruit a day is essential to take care of your health and ensure a good quality of life. A balanced diet is, along with the usual practice of exercise, the basis for a healthy lifestyle.

Eating oranges has many other benefits for your health

1.By its low glycemic index, orange is one of the recommended fruits for the prevention of diabetes.

2. Its high content of vitamin C stimulates the production of white blood cells and helps to strengthen the immune system.

3. Contains antioxidants that maintain healthy skin and reduce the signs of aging.

4. An orange contains only 65 calories, which makes it a highly recommended fruit in diets to lose weight.

5. Due to its high fiber content, it prolongs the feeling of fullness.

6. They are rich in calcium, which protects the bones and teeth, keeping them healthy.

7. Its consumption helps reduce the absorption of fats and lower cholesterol and tension.

8. It has anti-inflammatory properties, so it is beneficial for people with arthritis.

9. Its consumption is beneficial to prevent cancer and also the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system.

10. Makes you smile And you'll wonder why ... If you use them in your kitchen, it will give a lot of grace to your dishes.

The tenth I got a little out of the sleeve, but only a little ... Because of its intensity and aroma the orange is a main ingredient in many recipes, its use brings freshness and flavor to your dishes. In addition to whole, you can enjoy them in jams and biscuits at your breakfast table, in fresh and aromatic salads or in exotic stews and roasts of meat or fish.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Benefits of Coconut

Benefits of coconut

12 coconut benefits you should know

The coconut has many fans, but not all of us know its properties and the reasons why it is good to include it in the diet. We tell you about the benefits of coconut.

If you like coconut you are lucky because, in addition to being refreshing and perfect to fight the heat, it is very beneficial for health. The first thing to note is that coconut contains a lot of essential nutrients for the body and is considered a good option for people who need an extra dose of energy. Its high content of minerals, especially in potassium, iron and calcium justify it.

Another important fact that must be taken into account is that coconut is not only consumed only its "meat", in addition coconut water and coconut oil are very popular for their numerous properties. Coconut water, for example, is perfect for proper hydration, helps replenish minerals, is effective to relieve heartburn and stomach discomfort due to its high fiber content, among other things. For its part, coconut oil is an ingredient widely used in cosmetics, both for facial creams, for its properties to moisturize and repair the skin, and for hair products, since it is common to find shampoos with coconut oil thanks to hydration and softness that contributes to the hair.

The coconut, in addition, is considered a potent antibacterial perfect to strengthen the immune system. However, we must not overlook something: coconut is quite caloric, since it contributes about 354 calories per 100 grams, so it is recommended to include it moderately in the diet and always within the framework of a healthy lifestyle , that is, healthy and balanced diet and practice of regular exercise.

We can add the coconut to our diet by consuming it mid-morning or mid-afternoon, after doing sports activity or we can take it in salads or fruit salads to give them a different and delicious touch. You know, bet on the coconut, always in moderation, and enjoy its many benefits. Below, we list the 12 coconut benefits you should know. Do not miss them!

1. Essential nutrients

One of the main benefits of coconut is that it provides essential nutrients. Among the minerals that contribute are selenium and zinc, which have antioxidant properties. Vitamin C is also present in coconut, perfect for bone health, among other things, vitamin B1, key to the nervous system and vitamin B3 effective in reducing cholesterol levels.

2. Hydration

The coconut is very rich in water, so it becomes a great ally to promote proper hydration. In addition, coconut water is rich in vitamins and minerals.

3. Fight bacteria

Another benefit of the coconut is that its milk helps eliminate bacteria thanks to its content in lauric acid. In addition, coconut also helps strengthen the immune system.

4. Blood pressure

The coconut also helps regulate blood pressure, this is mainly due to the presence of potassium in coconut water. A study published in the West Indian Medical Journal confirmed these properties of coconut water.

5. Diuretic and laxative

The coconut is a good ally to combat fluid retention, as it has diuretic properties. It also has a laxative effect due to its high fiber content.

6. For the skin

Another benefit of the coconut is that its oil has very beneficial properties for the skin, since it moisturizes and makes it look smoother and brighter.

7. Energy properties

If you are married, the coconut can provide you with that energy boost you need thanks to its high energy value. It is perfect to take it if we have had an intense and busy day. Of course, the coconut is quite caloric, so moderation is recommended in its consumption.

8. Ally against stress

Consuming coconut is effective to combat stress, as it has relaxing properties. For this purpose, coconut oil is much more effective, especially when applied with a relaxing massage.

9. For athletes

Coconut water contains many minerals, but among them we must highlight the presence of potassium. In fact, it can be found as an isotonic drink to recover hydration and potassium lost during sports activity.

10. For muscles

The coconut, thanks to its mineral content is a good source of energy for our muscles.

11. For hair

As the coconut is a good ally of our skin, it is also beneficial for our hair, since as we have seen it favors hydration, but, in addition, its oil is perfect to provide shine and give life to our hair.

12. Satisfying effect

Another benefit of eating coconut is that it causes a feeling of fullness, which helps you eat less.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Benefits of Mango

Benefits of Mango

10 Great benefits of mango for our health

The Peruvian mango is a highly nutritional fruit with a unique flavor, fragrance, taste and great benefits for the human being. It is known to be a super fruit. The proportions of mango nutrients can vary depending on the type and amount of the fruit, as well as other factors that may intervene in the modification of their nutrients.

The best way to enjoy this fruit and its nutritional properties is to eat it naturally, with a few drops of lemon to accentuate its flavor. It is important to choose those that give off a good smell, they feel flexible to the touch, but they do not sink with pressure.

Another aspect to keep in mind is that the proportions of mango nutrients can vary according to the type and quantity of the fruit, and according to their preparation, their properties and nutritional characteristics can also vary. Below we will explain how the nutritional value of mango can benefit your health.

1. Aids digestion

Mango provides a group of digestive enzymes that support the body and its ability to break down food. There are indications that these enzymes may even reduce the burning sensation associated with acid reflex and the pectin in the fiber helps prevent constipation

2. Fight cancer

Mango is a great source of antioxidants such as indoctrinate, Quentin, finalist, gastrointestinal, gal late and methyl gal late. Consuming mango or drinking it daily can help prevent severe cancers such as breast, blood (leukemia), prostate and colon cancers.

3. Reduce the weight

The mango still not ripe (the green mango) is one of the best fruits to eat when we want to lose calories. It is much better than ripe mango, since the latter is contains much more sugar, which does not help at all to weight loss.

4. Heart health

The vitamin C and fiber present in mango's have been shown to help lower LDL (bad cholesterol) levels, which reduces the risk of heart disease, heart attack and stroke at the same time. In addition, mango contains both potassium and magnesium, which are related to the regulation of blood pressure, keeping it within healthy limits.

5. Control acidity

The mango is enriched with manic acid, tartaric acid and traces of citric acid; therefore, it maintains the alkaline reserve in the body and prevents acidity

6. Strengthens the bones

Vitamin K deficiency is related to the increased risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures, mainly because vitamin K supports the absorption of calcium needed to keep bones strong. Mangos provide this benefit because they are full of vitamin K.

7. Cure anemia

If we do not ingest enough iron in our diet, we can suffer from anemia and as a consequence we would feel weak due to the lack of adequate oxygen to supply the organs. This is a particular problem in post-menopausal women, who usually tend to need a higher iron intake after the cessation of their period of menstruation. As an additional benefit, the iron present in mangoes is supported by its vitamin C content, which helps the body absorb iron more effectively.

8. Good for the liver

The best benefit of eating green mango is its ability to treat liver disorders. Eating a piece of green mango increases the secretion of bile acids and cleanses the intestines of infectious bacteria.

9. Diabetes

Mango is also a good and healthy fruit for diabetes. Mango still unripe should be consumed accompanied by yogurt to lower sugar levels in the body.

10. Prevents calculations

Consuming foods with low oxalate content but high water content can be very useful in preventing kidney stones. One of those foods is mango, which is rich in fiber, high in water and low in oxalates. This fruit protects our kidney from stones, by inhibiting the flu virus.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Benefits of Banana

Benefits of Banana

7 benefits of banana

The banana or banana is a fruit that we began to consume from children, Maybe you gave it as a dessert, as a snack for your lunch or you just took a banana to enjoy its rich flavor. sweet and simply delicious.

As a food the banana is known for its high potassium composition, an important mineral to be given to people who practice sports because they need to recover the mineral salts lost during training, but it is not the only benefit of this tropical fruit.

While it can be ingested as fresh fruit by all people in general, including infants, children and the elderly, its benefits can also be received as banana in raisins.

1.- The banana is a fruit rich in potassium and helps the performance of athletes

Have you ever felt that your leg is latched after a lot of exercise?

This usually happens after you have run a lot, or you have done a lot of squats And usually after I've given you a cramp, they suggest you eat a banana.

 When you exercise or exercise a sport you lower your potassium levels, that is why you can cramp, consume a banana helps with the replacement of potassium, and that is why through the intake of a banana also restitution energy to the athlete and Avoid exhaustion or fatigue.

In addition to the presence of magnesium the effects of potassium are potentiated, and this helps to avoid muscle cramps.

2.- The banana helps to reduce hypertension

Its benefit in helping regulate high blood pressure is due to its potassium composition, since a medium banana contains about 0.4 grams of potassium,

According to an analysis conducted, the consumption of 1.3 to 1.4 grams of potassium decreased the risk by 26% of having cardiovascular disease.

This is the main reason that banana is indicated in all diets that aim to reduce blood pressure, because together with the presence of magnesium help regulate it.

Similarly, bananas contain a falvonoid antioxidant that is also associated with a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease.

3.- The banana helps as an energizer

Undoubtedly, banana is the ideal fruit for the athlete, since in addition to the virtues mentioned above and given by potassium exerts an energizing function without providing too much protein but with a quantity of sugar that helps provide energy.

4.- The banana helps in diets to lose weight

Despite its sugar content, bananas are suitable to be included in a diet to lose weight, because thanks to the potassium provided helps eliminate fluid, which favors weight loss.

5.- Help to recover electrolytes after suffering from diarrhea

Also thanks to the presence of potassium helps in cases of diarrhea, because it intervenes in the restoration of lost fluids. In such a way that avoids dehydration.

6.- The banana is a food rich in carbohydrates

Bananas is a rich source of carbohydrates, in a green banana we will find carbohydrates in the form of starch-resistant and a ripe banana we go in the counter in the form of sugars.

This is because the composition of the banana changes drastically during the ripening of the fruit.

The main component of a green banana is starch-resistant, since 70-80% of its composition are starches.

During ripening, the starch becomes sugar and ends up shrinking to 1% when the banana is fully ripe.

The most common types of sugar found in a ripe banana are sucrose, fructose and glucose.

7.- The banana a source of Fiber

As the green banana has a high content of starch-resistant, which as the name implies, is resistant to digestion and therefore is considered a type of fiber.

In addition, bananas are a source of other types of fiber, such as pectin. Some banana pectins are soluble in water.

When the bananas mature, the quantity of pectin soluble in water increases, and this is one reason why as the banana matures it becomes softer.

And both the pectin and the resistant starch, moderate the increase of insulin in the blood after a meal.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Benefits of Watermelon.

10 secret benefits of eating watermelon

In addition to its attractive color and flavor refreshing, watermelon has many benefits to health. It helps to take care of the heart, it is ideal in weight loss regimens and how diuretic, has effects similar to those of Viagra for sexual health and other secrets.

Your nutrients:

Watermelon, also known as pin, melon of water or melancia contains vitamin C, Vitamin A, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium among other minerals. In addition, it is rich in lycopene and beta carotene. It is the fruit that most amount of water contains (93%), so its caloric value is very low, barely 20 calories per 100 grams.

How to consume it?

1) Cut the watermelon into pieces, freeze it and cool off at any time of the day. two)Take out watermelon balls and prepare some skewers or fruit salad. 3) Prepare a smoothie watermelon. 4) Add watermelon in pieces to some how many leaves of lettuce and put a dressing of balsamic vinegar. 5) Blend the watermelon with water, pour it in small plastic cups, place a palette of ice cream and prepare your own ice creams.

1. Anticancer freshness

This fruit of red pulp and a thick shell green is rich in lycopene (vegetable pigment that gives it the red color), a known carotenoid for its antioxidant capacity. This compound plays an active role in the struggle of several types of cancer such as breast, prostate, uterus and lung by protecting the cells against free radical damage.

2. It's good for the heart

Watermelon is a natural source of L-citrulline, a compound that has an important influence in cardiovascular health and it becomes L-arginine, an amino acid that helps the production of nitric oxide, essential for the maintenance of the elasticity of arteries and blood vessels.

3. Reduce blood pressure

A daily dose of watermelon juice could be enough to lower blood pressure, as well It was shown by a study by the State University of Florida in Tallahassee and published in the American Journal of Hypertension in 2011.The researchers emphasize that watermelon is a functional fruit with vasodilatory effects that increases the synthesis of nitric oxide, with the consequent decrease in pressure blood

4. Forget about the Viagra, eat watermelon

A slice of watermelon could have effects similar to those of Viagra, a drug for counteract erectile dysfunction, including it could even increase libido, that it contains have the virtue of relaxing the blood vessels and fight impotence.

5. Allied to lose weight

Despite its sweet taste, watermelon has low energy density, that is, a large amount of water that allows you to eat large portions without consuming many calories. A study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that L-arginine accelerates the metabolism and favors the loss of fat.

6. Acts as a diuretic

If you have kidney problems, routes urinary tract, prostate, or fluid retention, Watermelon is an ideal natural diuretic for elimination of toxins and increase secretion of urine through the kidneys. Its high content in fiber also favors the cleaning of intestines and the correct functioning of the digestive system. It is advisable to reinforce the immune system.

7. against the metabolic syndrome

Drink watermelon juice, especially if it is milled also the rind or shell, can reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome by improving blood sugar levels and dysfunction of fats associated with obesity and type 2 diabetes.

8. for muscle pain

Does exercising leave you in pain? Drink juice of watermelon could be the natural remedy that you need to combat the discomforts, according to suggests a study by the University Polytechnic of Cartagena, in Colombia. The authors of the investigation attribute the mentioned effect to an amino acid present in the fruit, L-citrulline.

9. It's good for the eyes

Watermelon is a wonderful source of beta carotene which becomes the organism in vitamin A. This vitamin helps produce the pigments in the retina of the eye and protects against macular degeneration related to age. An investigation published in the Archives of Ophthalmology details that the consumption of three servings a day decreases the risk of suffering from this disease.

10. Friend of the skin

The secret of a radiant and hydrated skin could be in the watermelon, its high content of lycopene, vitamin A and C make it a fruit that can do wonders. Further, thanks to the antioxidant power of lycopene and since most of the content of the Watermelon is essentially water and fiber is a excellent protection against UV rays.