Monday, April 29, 2019

Benefits Of Apple

5 benefits of the green apple for health

This fruit stands out for its striking color and also for its flavor, but did you know that beyond that there are many things it can do for our organism? This is all you need to know.

The green apple is a special fruit. It stands out for its striking color and also for its different flavor, but did you know that beyond that there are many things it can do for our body?

let's see 5 incredible benefits of the green apple for health:

1. Powerful antioxidant.
The green apple is rich in flavonoids. In addition, it provides a large amount of vitamin C, which helps to have a much stronger organism.

2. Ideal for weight loss.
This fruit barely has about 80 calories and the greatest goodness is that it is a great source of fiber, which is why it helps to experience a feeling of fullness.

3. Level your blood sugar.
According to studies, the green apple is ideal for those who suffer from diabetes since it acts favorably against glucose levels.

4. Stronger teeth.
If you have sensitivity problems in the denture, the green apple will definitely be your friend.

5. Skin care. 
Thanks to its high content of vitamins A, B, C, antioxidants and water, this fruit will allow you to have a beautiful and radiant skin.

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