Monday, April 29, 2019

Benefits of Oranges.

10 benefits of oranges for your health

Today I bring you a fruit that you surely take with assiduity: the orange. It has many health benefits, knowing them will encourage you to keep it in your breakfasts and snacks and incorporate it as an ingredient that adds personality to your kitchen. In addition, its low glycemic index is one of the recommended fruits for the prevention of diabetes.

The orange has a story as colorful and exotic as herself. It is a traveling fruit. There was no pioneer, explorer or emperor who resisted trying to cultivate in any of their destinations in their travels around the world. As Manuel Ascende says in this interesting article, "the orange is a book of the history of humanity and has reached his hand thanks to many conquests and reconquests and a scientific battle for centuries."

This fruit is from the citrus family, daughter of a tangerine and grapefruit mother. Native to Southeast Asia, oranges are grown in warm climates such as Greece, Italy, Morocco and, of course, Spain, the main producer for the European market. Here the season starts approximately in the month of November and ends between the months of May and June.

For its long season, in addition to its flavor, orange is one of the most popular fruits because it has a high content of vitamin C, 100 grams of orange contains 90% of daily needs of this vitamin. It also contains flavonoids (with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antitumor effects) and limonoids (anticancer).

It is recommended to eat them whole to take advantage of all their properties, (especially people with high sugar levels).

As you have heard many times - and I already mentioned in the previous fruit post - the consumption of 2 or 3 servings of fruit a day is essential to take care of your health and ensure a good quality of life. A balanced diet is, along with the usual practice of exercise, the basis for a healthy lifestyle.

Eating oranges has many other benefits for your health

1.By its low glycemic index, orange is one of the recommended fruits for the prevention of diabetes.

2. Its high content of vitamin C stimulates the production of white blood cells and helps to strengthen the immune system.

3. Contains antioxidants that maintain healthy skin and reduce the signs of aging.

4. An orange contains only 65 calories, which makes it a highly recommended fruit in diets to lose weight.

5. Due to its high fiber content, it prolongs the feeling of fullness.

6. They are rich in calcium, which protects the bones and teeth, keeping them healthy.

7. Its consumption helps reduce the absorption of fats and lower cholesterol and tension.

8. It has anti-inflammatory properties, so it is beneficial for people with arthritis.

9. Its consumption is beneficial to prevent cancer and also the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system.

10. Makes you smile And you'll wonder why ... If you use them in your kitchen, it will give a lot of grace to your dishes.

The tenth I got a little out of the sleeve, but only a little ... Because of its intensity and aroma the orange is a main ingredient in many recipes, its use brings freshness and flavor to your dishes. In addition to whole, you can enjoy them in jams and biscuits at your breakfast table, in fresh and aromatic salads or in exotic stews and roasts of meat or fish.

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