Monday, April 1, 2019

Properties of Tomato

Properties of tomato

The 10 properties of the tomato that you should know

1. Reduce the risks of vascular accident.brain and decreases the effects of Aging on brain functions.

2. Reduce cholesterol.

3. Avoid cardiovascular diseases and reduce The risk of myocardial infarction.

4. Helps to expel toxins (diuretic effect).

5. Fight infections.

6. Tomato consumption helps us to have a good health by strengthening the immune system and Favoring the prevention of diseases.

7.Some scientific studies assure that the The tomato helps prevent some types of cancer.(pancreas, stomach, prostate and digestive).

8. Good regulator of intestinal transit.

9.Protects the skin from ultraviolet rays.

10. It favors the rapid healing of wounds.

100 grams of tomato contain
Calories: 18 kilocalories. Properties of tomato
Water: 94.2 grams.
Hydrates: 3.5 grams.
Fiber: 1.8 grams.
Proteins: 1 milligram.
Fat: 0.2 milligrams
Carotenes: 820 micrograms.
Vitamin C: 24 milligrams.

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