Saturday, April 6, 2019

Benefits of Guava

10 benefits of guava

Guavas are tropical fruits that have pear-shaped, covered with a green skin, and inside they contain a colored meat pale pink shooting to white, with seeds little. The pulp of the guava has a flavor sweet, pulling acidic, very texture soft. This fruit became very popular in Asia and India, but now the guavas are consume in more quantity in the tropics Americans, Africa, and Mexico who have one of the main guava crops. Today you we bring 10 benefits of this delicious fruit.

1. Reduce cholesterol:
Studies showed that people who consume guavas daily, can reduce the cholesterol 10%, triglycerides 8%, and improves good HDL cholesterol by 8%. This it's because guava is rich in pectin, substance that helps lower cholesterol, because it forms a gelatinous layer in the inside the stomach, preventing the body absorbs bad fats.

2. It has diuretic properties:
Guava is rich in potassium so it's beneficial to the people who suffer from fluid retention.

3. Improves male fertility:
Studies have demonstrated that the juice of guava leaves, they contain great antioxidant properties that improve male fertility.

4. Prevent oral cancer: 
The leaves of guava are very beneficial to avoid the oral cancer this is due to the great contribution of lycopene containing large leaves antioxidant for the organism. Studies They showed that you use lycopene, you can reduce the growth of cells carcinogenic, avoiding cancer prostate and breast.

5. Anti-inflammatory action:
The extract of the guava leaf, contains many compounds chemicals that have anti-inflammatory effect.

6. Combat acne: 
The extract from the leaf guava is beneficial in the treatment of acne.

7. Protects the eyesight: 
The great contribution of vitamin C, and provitamin A, help protect eyesight of the attack of certain bacteria.

8. Relieves cough: 
The extract from the leaves of guava, are beneficial to alleviate throat problems.

9. Combat diarrhea:
The essential oil of guava leaves eliminates the bacteria that cause diarrhea, such as staphylococcus aurous, Salmonella sop, and Escherichia coli. The use of the guava leaf extract, recommends in many cases where it does not can treat diarrhea with antibiotics, that guava is a natural antibiotic.

10. Fight against diabetes:
Eating guava and make infusions with guava leaves significantly reduces sugar levels in blood. This is due to the great contribution of carbohydrates that this fruit contains. These carbohydrates contribute to the body sugars natural substances such as fructose, in small, so it is recommended to consume people with diabetes.

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