Monday, April 8, 2019

Benefits of Watermelon.

10 secret benefits of eating watermelon

In addition to its attractive color and flavor refreshing, watermelon has many benefits to health. It helps to take care of the heart, it is ideal in weight loss regimens and how diuretic, has effects similar to those of Viagra for sexual health and other secrets.

Your nutrients:

Watermelon, also known as pin, melon of water or melancia contains vitamin C, Vitamin A, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium among other minerals. In addition, it is rich in lycopene and beta carotene. It is the fruit that most amount of water contains (93%), so its caloric value is very low, barely 20 calories per 100 grams.

How to consume it?

1) Cut the watermelon into pieces, freeze it and cool off at any time of the day. two)Take out watermelon balls and prepare some skewers or fruit salad. 3) Prepare a smoothie watermelon. 4) Add watermelon in pieces to some how many leaves of lettuce and put a dressing of balsamic vinegar. 5) Blend the watermelon with water, pour it in small plastic cups, place a palette of ice cream and prepare your own ice creams.

1. Anticancer freshness

This fruit of red pulp and a thick shell green is rich in lycopene (vegetable pigment that gives it the red color), a known carotenoid for its antioxidant capacity. This compound plays an active role in the struggle of several types of cancer such as breast, prostate, uterus and lung by protecting the cells against free radical damage.

2. It's good for the heart

Watermelon is a natural source of L-citrulline, a compound that has an important influence in cardiovascular health and it becomes L-arginine, an amino acid that helps the production of nitric oxide, essential for the maintenance of the elasticity of arteries and blood vessels.

3. Reduce blood pressure

A daily dose of watermelon juice could be enough to lower blood pressure, as well It was shown by a study by the State University of Florida in Tallahassee and published in the American Journal of Hypertension in 2011.The researchers emphasize that watermelon is a functional fruit with vasodilatory effects that increases the synthesis of nitric oxide, with the consequent decrease in pressure blood

4. Forget about the Viagra, eat watermelon

A slice of watermelon could have effects similar to those of Viagra, a drug for counteract erectile dysfunction, including it could even increase libido, that it contains have the virtue of relaxing the blood vessels and fight impotence.

5. Allied to lose weight

Despite its sweet taste, watermelon has low energy density, that is, a large amount of water that allows you to eat large portions without consuming many calories. A study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that L-arginine accelerates the metabolism and favors the loss of fat.

6. Acts as a diuretic

If you have kidney problems, routes urinary tract, prostate, or fluid retention, Watermelon is an ideal natural diuretic for elimination of toxins and increase secretion of urine through the kidneys. Its high content in fiber also favors the cleaning of intestines and the correct functioning of the digestive system. It is advisable to reinforce the immune system.

7. against the metabolic syndrome

Drink watermelon juice, especially if it is milled also the rind or shell, can reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome by improving blood sugar levels and dysfunction of fats associated with obesity and type 2 diabetes.

8. for muscle pain

Does exercising leave you in pain? Drink juice of watermelon could be the natural remedy that you need to combat the discomforts, according to suggests a study by the University Polytechnic of Cartagena, in Colombia. The authors of the investigation attribute the mentioned effect to an amino acid present in the fruit, L-citrulline.

9. It's good for the eyes

Watermelon is a wonderful source of beta carotene which becomes the organism in vitamin A. This vitamin helps produce the pigments in the retina of the eye and protects against macular degeneration related to age. An investigation published in the Archives of Ophthalmology details that the consumption of three servings a day decreases the risk of suffering from this disease.

10. Friend of the skin

The secret of a radiant and hydrated skin could be in the watermelon, its high content of lycopene, vitamin A and C make it a fruit that can do wonders. Further, thanks to the antioxidant power of lycopene and since most of the content of the Watermelon is essentially water and fiber is a excellent protection against UV rays.

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