Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Benefits of Banana

Benefits of Banana

7 benefits of banana

The banana or banana is a fruit that we began to consume from children, Maybe you gave it as a dessert, as a snack for your lunch or you just took a banana to enjoy its rich flavor. sweet and simply delicious.

As a food the banana is known for its high potassium composition, an important mineral to be given to people who practice sports because they need to recover the mineral salts lost during training, but it is not the only benefit of this tropical fruit.

While it can be ingested as fresh fruit by all people in general, including infants, children and the elderly, its benefits can also be received as banana in raisins.

1.- The banana is a fruit rich in potassium and helps the performance of athletes

Have you ever felt that your leg is latched after a lot of exercise?

This usually happens after you have run a lot, or you have done a lot of squats And usually after I've given you a cramp, they suggest you eat a banana.

 When you exercise or exercise a sport you lower your potassium levels, that is why you can cramp, consume a banana helps with the replacement of potassium, and that is why through the intake of a banana also restitution energy to the athlete and Avoid exhaustion or fatigue.

In addition to the presence of magnesium the effects of potassium are potentiated, and this helps to avoid muscle cramps.

2.- The banana helps to reduce hypertension

Its benefit in helping regulate high blood pressure is due to its potassium composition, since a medium banana contains about 0.4 grams of potassium,

According to an analysis conducted, the consumption of 1.3 to 1.4 grams of potassium decreased the risk by 26% of having cardiovascular disease.

This is the main reason that banana is indicated in all diets that aim to reduce blood pressure, because together with the presence of magnesium help regulate it.

Similarly, bananas contain a falvonoid antioxidant that is also associated with a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease.

3.- The banana helps as an energizer

Undoubtedly, banana is the ideal fruit for the athlete, since in addition to the virtues mentioned above and given by potassium exerts an energizing function without providing too much protein but with a quantity of sugar that helps provide energy.

4.- The banana helps in diets to lose weight

Despite its sugar content, bananas are suitable to be included in a diet to lose weight, because thanks to the potassium provided helps eliminate fluid, which favors weight loss.

5.- Help to recover electrolytes after suffering from diarrhea

Also thanks to the presence of potassium helps in cases of diarrhea, because it intervenes in the restoration of lost fluids. In such a way that avoids dehydration.

6.- The banana is a food rich in carbohydrates

Bananas is a rich source of carbohydrates, in a green banana we will find carbohydrates in the form of starch-resistant and a ripe banana we go in the counter in the form of sugars.

This is because the composition of the banana changes drastically during the ripening of the fruit.

The main component of a green banana is starch-resistant, since 70-80% of its composition are starches.

During ripening, the starch becomes sugar and ends up shrinking to 1% when the banana is fully ripe.

The most common types of sugar found in a ripe banana are sucrose, fructose and glucose.

7.- The banana a source of Fiber

As the green banana has a high content of starch-resistant, which as the name implies, is resistant to digestion and therefore is considered a type of fiber.

In addition, bananas are a source of other types of fiber, such as pectin. Some banana pectins are soluble in water.

When the bananas mature, the quantity of pectin soluble in water increases, and this is one reason why as the banana matures it becomes softer.

And both the pectin and the resistant starch, moderate the increase of insulin in the blood after a meal.

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