Saturday, March 30, 2019

Simple habits To Maintain Good Health

6 simple habits to maintain good health

Changing some of your daily habits can mean the difference between having good health and being sick.

Many times, because of the speed of life we ​​lead, we forget that health is a treasure. We only value it when we get sick. But, having good health is critical to lead a happy and pleasant life. Being healthy means that our body functions normally and that there is nothing out of balance. Being healthy is also having a balanced mind and in harmony with the body.

Healthy habits are, in large part, what determine that you have good health. And when I refer to habits, I speak precisely of what you do every day: sleep, eat, stay hydrated, exercise, bathe, protect yourself from the sun. The proper development of these habits will surely help you to have a longer and healthier life. Let's take a tour through six important habits to have good health:

1. Eat fruits and vegetables 
Ideally, eat nine servings of fruits and vegetables a day. But yes, I know you're opening your eyes because it seems so much to you. So there it goes: five. Eat five servings of fruits and vegetables a day and you will save yourself from several visits to the doctor. A study conducted at Harvard University says that this amount supplies the antioxidants and fiber needed to reduce heart disease and maintain a healthy weight (a serving equals about half a fruit, or half a cup of fruit, or half a cup). of vegetables).

2. Exercise 
Ideally, 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise (or more) 5 days or more per week. But as I know that sometimes it's hard for you to get off the couch, because there's a more manageable dose: how about 17 minutes a day? This equals two hours a week. And you do not even have to do it in a row! You can divide it into segments. And the benefits are endless: healthy heart, adequate weight, toned muscles, being in a good mood ... etc, etc ...

3. Get enough sleep
If you are one of those who always sleep between 7 and 8 hours a day, you are on the right path. Recent studies indicate that those who have trouble sleeping or sleep less 7 hours, are increasing their risk of hypertension, heart disease and even diabetes. Our body needs to rest and recharge its energies to have good health.

4. Stay hydrated 
Before it was said that eight was the magic number of glasses of water a day that should be taken. Now it is known that it is not necessary to drink eight, but drink fluids with meals and whenever you feel thirsty. Drink more if you exercise or it is very hot. The only ones who can not depend on thirst to drink water are young children and the elderly because in them the mechanism of thirst does not work well and they have to remember to drink. I do not know if you knew, but the body is made of water and needs this liquid to function. Other sources of liquid are fruits, soup, tea and vegetables. Remember, water = good health.

5. Wash your hands
Ideally with soap and water, using the minimum soap for 15 seconds. Several studies have shown that washing hands with soap and water eliminates more than 90% of the microbes that cause infections and can alter your good health. Always wash your hands after going to the bathroom, touching someone who is sick, and when you cook. Especially when you touch raw meat and unwashed vegetables.

6. Use sunscreen
Daily. It does not matter if it's cloudy. Protecting your skin from ultraviolet rays will prevent skin lesions, including cancer..



How to get money on internet? Is it really possible to earn money online?
The answer is yes, yes you can and although I know that for many (including my dad) it sounds too good for anyone to do it, it is thanks to that possibility that today I can live traveling and multiply my income while I do it. All without being a genius of technology, or have won the lottery.

Another good news is that if you use a little imagination + passion (and put into practice the options in this guide) you can start creating your own web project today, for less than what it costs you to go to the cinema and start the way to generate income online, working from the comfort of your home or anywhere in the world, as a digital nomad.

Works online from home
earn money online
Probably as a salaried worker you will not get very far
I think you have already realized that working for the dreams of another, we will not get far ... and less in our region (low wages + high cost of living).

That is why online jobs have become an excellent option for many, and I hope to show you with my repeated experiences (in different topics), that none of this is a matter of luck, but to make you want, because the reality is that that the opportunities to make money online are within the reach of whoever wants to take them.

Let's see, when I say that you can generate income, I speak of amounts that most of us could never earn when working for others. Income that in my case, sometimes exceeds $ 100,000 per month!

In this article, I want to share with you some of the easiest business ideas to implement to generate online income, which you probably did not know existed .
Take into account that the one that is more viable for you, will depend on your tastes and abilities.

How to make money online while working in pajamas and create an online business capable of working in automatic
If you have read me before, you probably already know that with my online business models, I can make money even while I sleep.

So much so that today I earn my old salary of one year in a single month almost automatically. And no, I'm not interested in showing off, but as talking about numbers seems to be what moves many, I do it so you can see the incredible possibilities of achieving financial freedom that 99% of Hispanics are losing and that are at reach of everyone with access to a computer and internet connection.

Eye, the one that today can generate passive income (almost without working), does not mean that I never moved a finger. There have been more than 1,500 hours of study, trial and error (all step by step I summarize my community of free support to digital entrepreneurs).

Before the general listing with 20 of the best ways to earn money online, I share:

Friday, March 29, 2019

How to grow nails fast

How to grow nails fast

5 home remedies
You can make your nails faster with these tricks and natural remedies that you can prepare at home, which will help you to lengthen the nails in a short time.
Getting long, strong and healthy nails is possible with these home remedies.

But do not worry! There are repairing remedies so you can show off your healthy and incredible nails. We teach you how to grow your nails fast and naturally, with 5 homemade tricks to keep them strong, maintained and longer.

Why do nails break down?
There are many causes that can prevent you from looking long and beautiful nails. To avoid having short and weakened nails, these are the habits or problems that you must remedy in the first place:

1. Biting your nails
Onychophagia is the name given to the nasty habit of biting the nails. Many people wonder how to grow their nails when they are trying to leave behind this mania, but the first step is to stop doing it in the first place. Avoid also biting or cutting the cuticles, because its function is to protect the nails from infections and keep them healthy and strong.

2. Continued use of enamels
The nail is just an extension of the skin, formed by keratin and hardened to help protect the fingers. As part of the skin, it is necessary that it can breathe.

If we keep the nails painted constantly, we will not be letting them breathe, so we have to leave rest periods between manicures that allow the nail to be cleaned. It is recommended to leave some 48 hours before repainting your nails.

Also do not forget to use a protective base every time you use enamel, to protect the most superficial layer of the nail from the enamels and that they do not weaken.

3. Lack of vitamins and minerals
If you keep a diet low in vitamins and minerals, your nails will suffer and weaken, causing them to break more easily and not grow as they should. Take care of your diet so that it is balanced and do not forget to stay well hydrated.

4. Strikes on the nails
Also avoid those activities in which the nail looks too pressed, is hit or where you use it as a tool. Habits as simple as opening bottle tops with nails, removing labels or scratching rigid surfaces can cause damage to your enamel and weaken them, causing them to break easily.

5. The use of false nails
If you really want to grow your nails faster, reduce the use of false nails, whether gel or porcelain. The excessive use of this type of decorative nails can damage the enamel or even break the nail if not used properly.

How to grow nails quickly

Beyond the habits that you can avoid so as not to damage your nails, there are natural tricks to make them grow healthier and stronger. Here's how to grow your nails faster with 5 easy and homemade remedies.

1. Food
A balanced diet is basic for our health and well-being, also for the nails. As we mentioned before, the nails are just an extension of the skin to protect our fingers, so we can take care of them from the inside as well.

There are a number of vitamins and minerals that help us grow nails faster, keeping them healthy, strong and preventing breakage. Vitamins A, B C and H are especially effective. It is also important that you include foods rich in folic acid (vitamin B29) in your diet.

2. Lemon juice
Apart from taking care of your diet, there are other ways to grow your nails fast with homemade and natural remedies. One of them is to use lemon juice, which helps strengthen the nail. For this remedy you need to mix in a bowl a spoonful of lemon juice and 3 tablespoons of olive oil. Heat for 20 seconds in the microwave and keep your nails soaking for 15 minutes.

If you want an easier and faster method, you can also benefit from the vitamin C of the lemon with a simple slice of it. Simply rub the slice by the nails for about 4 or 5 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and ready.

3. Garlic
Garlic is another natural product to grow strong and fast nails. For this remedy you need 2 cloves of garlic. Simply crush or crush them in a bowl and apply the result on your nails, leaving it to rest for about 10 minutes. It is also useful to directly rub the clove of garlic on the nail.

Another remedy to grow the nails is adding a spoonful of lemon juice to this paste, and apply it on the nail.

4. Coconut oil
Coconut oil is also useful when growing nails, as they moisturize both the nail and the skin around, promoting its strong and healthy growth.

To use this remedy you must heat some coconut oil in a container and massage the nails and skin around. This remedy also goes very well to treat fungal infections in the nails.

5. Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar will also serve to have the nails longer and more careful, helping to strengthen them and make them grow more quickly.

For this remedy dilute ½ glass of apple cider vinegar in another glass of water. Mix well and put your nails soaking in the solution, for about 15 minutes. You will see how your nails will look healthier and grow faster.